Baby Brooke
I drove over to Dallas Friday, July 14, to greet my new baby granddaughter, who
came into the world 3:30 pm by C-section. She had turned breech and was too big to deliver that way. Brooke Elise is 9#6 oz. 21 1/4" long, and madder than hell about the way she was rudely yanked into the world.
She looks very mature and quite beautiful, all pink with dark fuzz on her head. In the next few days, she become quite content, was nursing really well, and peering at us as if to say, "And who are all these people?" She is so luscious and sweet to hold.
Amy has three darling children, who are so excited about greeting Baby Brooke. This is Tim’s first baby and he is sooo happy. Tim and Amy are awesome parents to the 3 older kids and are enjoying this baby immensely. They are making lots of space for the other three to enjoy the experience with them.
Holding a new grandbaby is one of the greatest and most surprising pleasures of life. Well, watching them grow is terrific too.
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