Travels with Annie

In September 2005, I was diagnosed with the second recurrence of an agressive breast cancer that appeared first in 1997. My book, Travels With Annie: A Journey of Healing and Adventure (Publish America, 2004) chronicles my first bout with cancer and subsequent travels. This time I will share my thoughts and experiences in verse for my friends and acquaintances.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Friend Ellen

Rev. Ellen Grace O'Brian and I at a Kriya Yoga Meditation Retreat in Georgia, in early August. Ellen is my spiritual mentor and the dear friend mentioned in the entry below. Besides reminding me that I am not my body, Ellen invited me to let go of the thought, that I have to admit I have held since 1998, that this cancer will eventually kill me. I left Georgia inspired to examine this self-fulfilling prophecy, revive my tired meditation practice, and to live more mindfully.

Me and Roy Eugene Davis, founder of the Center of Spiritual Awareness in Lakemont, Georgia. Roy is the only living disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, who brought Kriya Yoga to the United States in 1920.


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