10:30 pm.
I'm sorry to write that Ann took a downward turn this evening. She had been about the same most of the day--aware, alert, (demanding!). But around 5 pm she had a low dose of morphine, and then became somewhat delirious and basically out of it. More so than the morphine should have caused, so we thought maybe it was just a reaction of some sort. After a few hours, when the morphine would have worn off, she was the same, so we gave her some Atavan to help her sleep, which it did. She has never regained full consciousness. Roy and Rennie arrived around 9 pm, and she seemed to try and pull herself conscious to focus on them, but I don't know if she ever really saw them. I left her for the night and she was mostly unconscious, drifting in and out of a semi-conscious state, but not really aware. I said goodnight but do not think she knew me. I think the end is very near. It's like her mind and body are withdrawing, turning inward, to take the final journey. Maybe she could be like this for some time (days?). But the speed with which she changed from alert and communicative (most of today), to semi-vegetative (tonight) is not encouraging. I feel bad for Roy and Rennie, having "missed" Ann by a few hours. I feel worse for Mark (arriving tomorrow morning), and Ellen (arriving tomorrow night) who may miss her entirely. Goodbye Mom, I love you so much.
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