Travels with Annie

In September 2005, I was diagnosed with the second recurrence of an agressive breast cancer that appeared first in 1997. My book, Travels With Annie: A Journey of Healing and Adventure (Publish America, 2004) chronicles my first bout with cancer and subsequent travels. This time I will share my thoughts and experiences in verse for my friends and acquaintances.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

California memorial service for Ann/Ana

We are having a memorial service for Ann at 3:00 pm, Saturday, September 26, at the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment, 1146 University Avenue, San Jose, California. We hope that everyone can attend. Please help us spread the word about the service.

We will be having a reception immediately following the service at the Los Gatos Lodge, which is just off of I880 (take the East Los Gatos exit, turn right at the very first light). Everyone is welcome we look forward to seeing you.

Thanks again to everyone for the outpouring of love and support. We really appreciate it.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Services for Ann/Ana

Ana's local church in Hot Springs is holding a memorial service at 4 pm, Friday, August 21, at the Unitarian Universalist church, the corner of Spring St and Norwalk.

We are also planning a service to occur in San Jose, California, date and time TBD, which Ann's dear friend Ellen Grace O'Brien will hold at the Center for Spiritual Enlightment. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Passing of Ann L. Getzoff

Mom passed away this morning at about 5 am, in her hospice bed, with her best friend Wendy Grudzien by her side. Amy and I awoke on our own around 5 and, not knowing her status, decided to dress and drive to the hospital. Wendy called us just as we were leaving Mom's house, so we knew as we drove over. But, we pretty much already knew she had gone.
Andy and I picked up Mark this morning from the Little Rock airport and brought him back to the house. The surreal continues to collide with the real, and it is difficult to keep my bearings. Humor and family are keeping me going, but waves of grief are crashing over me, tumbling my thoughts and emotions into a muddled mess. Andy sent out a global announcement this morning to Mom's email contacts, and the responses we are receiving are overwhleming in the best way. So much to do, so much to deal with to handle Mom's affairs. My brothers are doctors and I relied heavily on them throughout Mom's cancer treatment for information and counsel. I guess it is now my turn to handle the legal side of Mom's accounts, assets, such as they are. It seems overwhelming. It already seems like she died days ago, but it was only this morning. I know it will only get better, but for now I only want to grieve for my mom.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

10:30 pm.
I'm sorry to write that Ann took a downward turn this evening. She had been about the same most of the day--aware, alert, (demanding!). But around 5 pm she had a low dose of morphine, and then became somewhat delirious and basically out of it. More so than the morphine should have caused, so we thought maybe it was just a reaction of some sort. After a few hours, when the morphine would have worn off, she was the same, so we gave her some Atavan to help her sleep, which it did. She has never regained full consciousness. Roy and Rennie arrived around 9 pm, and she seemed to try and pull herself conscious to focus on them, but I don't know if she ever really saw them. I left her for the night and she was mostly unconscious, drifting in and out of a semi-conscious state, but not really aware. I said goodnight but do not think she knew me. I think the end is very near. It's like her mind and body are withdrawing, turning inward, to take the final journey. Maybe she could be like this for some time (days?). But the speed with which she changed from alert and communicative (most of today), to semi-vegetative (tonight) is not encouraging. I feel bad for Roy and Rennie, having "missed" Ann by a few hours. I feel worse for Mark (arriving tomorrow morning), and Ellen (arriving tomorrow night) who may miss her entirely. Goodbye Mom, I love you so much.

Ann in hospice - 8/18/09

8:20 am

This is Tim writing. I thought it may be helpful in dessiminating information on Ann to use her blog. Ann was moved yesterday (via ambulance) from the hospital in Little Rock down to a hospice facility in Hot Springs, a few miles from her house. Andy sent out a long email that many of you should have received
To recap, Ann went into the ICU last Wednesday with severe pneumonia symptoms. After several days of antibiotics, they are now thinking it is not infectious, but they don't really know what the cause is. Her main problem is her lungs; inability to get air, so she is on an oxygen mask full time, which makes it hard for her to talk. Ann's condition this morning is about the same as yesterday. Her blood O2 this morning was 91%, which is a little lower than yesterday, but higher than her low point. She is resting comfortably, all things considered. They have her on some basic pain meds, but nothing real serious so she is not too dopey.
Andy, Kim and Jacob drove down from Columbia, MO last Thursday. Wendy Grudzien and Gail Farris flew out from California yesterday. Amy and I drove out from Dallas last night. Ann's brother Roy and my cousin Rennie Lave are flying in later today. My brother Mark is coming Thursday.